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The body will discover and release tension, creating more relaxation and ease.


We begin to understand and experience how we have learned to defend ourselves by disassociating from parts of our bodies and lives that are painful.  We discover how we learn how to, narrow our perception, create feelings, isolate parts of our body to protect ourselves in response to overwhelming or unprocessed circumstances that have occurred at times in our life, past or present. We learn that while tryng to protect ourselves from something we have deemed harmful or painful, we have ultimately associated and conditioned ourselves to focus on that pain, which is something we initially tried to avoid.


In Discovery new strategies are created that enables your body to identify and release physical, emotional, mental and chemical tension.  This results in the ability to process daily stresses more effectively, while decreasing acute pain and other physical symptoms which have accumulated in your body and diminished your state of wellbeing.


As tension is released during care you may notice deeper breaths following each precise gentle contact.  Our breathe helps create safety and releases stress patterns and defensive postures held in our bodies.  This initiates an improvement in your bodies ability to re organise to a higher state of being and relaxation.


As your body begins to recognise areas holding tension, you may  feel the urge to move, stretch, wriggle, giggle or just 'sigh' (exhale with sound).  You may even notice small spontaneous movements which further assists your body in releasing tension. These are constructive ways in which your body releases stored physical, chemical, mental or emotional stress it no longer feels it needs to hold on to.


In Discovery the body becomes more flexible and lighter,  aches and pains and other symptoms begin to ease, muscle tension diminishes, people find they breathe deeper and more fully, and feel considerably less stressed.





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